Thank You, Asante, Shukran!
We bagged it!
Last Saturday, this blog was honored with a BAKE Award for Best New Blog 2017, and I'm stoked!
This began as a discussion board for fine film, and I realized quickly that watching, thinking on and writing about film is a whole job on its own, with its voluminous share of joys and agonies. The fact that people read, interacted and voted, well that's special.
For all your support, Thank You. You validated this, and I am incredibly grateful.
(And boy did y'all show up with the votes!)
To BAKE and all the partners and sponsors, thank you for validating the work we do.
Allow me to mention a few more people who made this destination particularly special:
- Just A Band's Daniel Muli who first challenged me to be intentional about seeing and commenting on film. (He's been doing it longer than I have, fam).
- Tom, Sarika, Ginger, and everyone at One Fine Day Films, for organizing a film journalism workshop a couple of years ago, and the awesome Giovanni Vimercati for leading it. The learning was invaluable.
- Wambui J Lamu, the founder of Hairpolitan Magazine (which was also nominated), and a dear friend. She is one of the first people with whom I had a truly meaningful conversation about film, and she kicked my behind into launching a website and blog; finally.
- Mark Kaigwa of Nendo, Richard 'A-Star' Njau and George Kagwe of 4-Up Digital, Anne Nyokabi and the team at Centonomy for that illuminating seminar, and the several encouraging conversations that happened when the blog was new and I was doubtful about its prospects. Mark, your generous affirmations will always be appreciated.
- Naomi Mutua (who handed me the award!) and Lyra Aoko who were incredibly encouraging when I started off, and who continue to be lovely individuals.
- Joshua, Aministar, Mbithi, Karambir, Njeri Mwakavi, Nyaboe and my cousin Noni for interacting with me about all this before all this even began. The conversations must continue.
- Aisha, Jammy, and the nominees in my category, Kaari's Kitchen, Kash Kaaria and Otherwise Podcast.
- My close friends and family. You know me well, so you know what this means. Gambits, Laibons, Cool Cousins, Conso '94, Highpoint's Finest, KAG, The Arena Kenya, thank you.
The blog will continue, refreshed. I have no choice in this any more, do I? Onwards and upwards, And to good film always.
Again, thank you.